Project 01
Environment Protection & Sustainable Solutions
Tourism Services Providers will shortly have access to the guidelines and parameters for Accommodation Providers; Tour Operators; Excursion Agents; Conference/Convention Centres; etc., that are requisites to become a Certified Sustainable Tourism Services Provider.
Utsaah Foundation will assist interested entities to obtain Sustainable Certification through Accredited Agencies approved by GSTC, having worldwide recognition.
In addition, the Foundation conducts "Workshop on Sustainable Solutions" for Accommodation Providers, Tour Operators, Excursion Agents and other Tourism Services Providers. We shall soon initiate Sustainability workshops for other industries
We are also seeking contribution by way of papers, publications, thesis etc. on Sustainability in Tourism and Bio-diversity to update and strengthen our Resource Centre for the benefit of the Industry.
Project 02
-- Fighting Hunger --
Even though the world produces enough food to feed twice the world’s present population, food wastage is ironically behind the billions of people who are malnourished. The number of hungry people in India has increased by 65 million more than the population of France. According to a survey by Bhook (an organization working towards reducing hunger) in 2013, Twenty crore Indians sleep hungry on any given night. About 7 million children died in 2012 because of hunger/malnutrition.
Effective May 2018, we have started distributing about 150 to 200 packed/freshly prepared hygienic food to the underprivileged/needy on every Tuesday and hope to increase the frequency to thrice/four times a week.
Project 03
Taking forward our mission to be of service to the underprivileged children, we are associating with orphanages and homes for destitute and old-age homes to conduct Healthcare camps providing Dental and Eye Check-up as well providing medicines, spectacles and assisting in getting treatments through the help of corporate world, Semi-Govt. Organisations etc.
Effective 10 February 2019, medical assistance in cataract surgery is available to the underprivileged/old age inmates and all surgeries would be performed at the Centre for sight.
Almost every tenth person is directly or indirectly employed or working in tourism sector but variable working hours of employees in Hospitality Industry result in neglect of health. Hence, In association of Reputed Hospitals across North India, we have embarked upon the mission to conduct Health Checks for the Tourism & Hospitality employees.
Project 04
Women’s contribution to sustainable development must be recognized. Women have a strong role in education and socializing their children, including teaching them care and responsibility with regard to the use and protection of natural resources.
In Indian context, there is lot to be done and achieved for women for their social development & economic independence, including gender equality, to gain more power and control over their own lives.
Our focus, thus, remains on Health; Hygiene; and Safety and we have embarked upon conducting SELF-DEFENCE TRAINING in schools/institutions for girls/women.
We shall soon be launching a program Hygiene where Sanitary Pads would be given to ladies/women as well as arranging health checks and medical help.

Accommodation Providers
Certified for Sustainable Practices
We are committed to promote Sustainability in Tourism and shall support & promote Accommodation Providers who have adopted Sustainable Solutions and are Certified by a accredited Authority for Sustainable Practices